
Spatial Catalyst

VIB’s Spatial Catalyst is set-up to make spatial technologies more accessible, by bringing together expertise across the institute and providing data analysis and software development support. 

The initiative is aimed to help you unlock the full potential of spatial techniques for your research, covering the fields of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. By building bridges, we hope to create a ‘Spatial community’ that benefits all of us. 

We are your partner to ensure that your research question is tackled with the best spatial technology.

Ready to embark on your spatial journey?

Get in touch with us to discover how VIB Spatial Catalyst can elevate your research to new heights. Together, we can unravel the secrets hidden within the spatial dimension of biological systems.

Evelien Van Hamme, leading the VIB Spatial Catalyst

"Spatial omics is a relatively new field in omics technology that we can use to assess the spatial organization of cells and helps to understand intercellular relationships. It’s an incredibly exciting field to work in because the data we are getting from spatial omics give unprecedented accurate views of cell-to-cell interactions."

How can we help?

We guide you through the widespread field of spatial technologies and expertise available (within VIB, through service mode or literature) in the fields of targeted & untargeted genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.

We provide advice and help in spatial omics data processing and analyses.

Our goal is to open up the spatial field to everyone and foster a spatial community with a collaborative mindset. To achieve this, we also organize trainings focused on both acquiring and analyzing data.

Key in this set-up is the close collaboration with colleagues in the research centers, expertise units, Tech Watch and the core facilities.

The Team

"The ambition of the Spatial Catalyst is to make spatial technologies accessible to all our scientists. We want to map out, reinforce and promote the use of our existing infrastructure and expertise in this area to aid scientists in leveraging the technology for their research. We already have some very nice proofpoints of how VIB has leveraged spatial technologies in the past, showing just how well it can contribute to breakthrough science. That’s why this is such an important ambition for us."
(Evelien Van Hamme)