
Art science collaboration - Studiotopia

Colliding Epistemes

Visit the Exhibition

The studiotopia program aims at bringing together artists and scientists in a fascinating collaboration. During this collision of worlds 13 residencies were organized in which two VIB scientists participated. The results range from a plant passport to drawings and paintings and can be visited during the Colliding Epistemes exhibition, which will take place from May 6th to June 19th 2022 at Brussels, Bozar. You can visit this exhibition alone or join a guided tour co-organized by the VIB Grand Challenges Program (GCP) team. Please contact GCP if you’re interested in joining. Alternatively, you can also join the “Art & Science talk”, which will take place during the opening of the exhibition on the 5th of May

Beyond regular science communication

Science and society are not separate entities. Scientific research is embedded in culture and society, which in turn are shaped by science. To facilitate this interaction, VIB has entered a collaboration with Bozar and Gluon in the ‘Artist in residence' program. The intention is for two artists - Sandra Lorenzi & Kuang-Yi Ku - to visit the lab (and vice versa) to find inspiration. This will lead to the creation of an artwork inspired by science


    Participating scientists and artists

    Artist, Gluon
    Artist, Bozar
    VIB Group Leader / Expert
    Extra info
    VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology
    VIB Group Leader / Expert
    Extra info
    VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology
    “The artist-in-residency programme is a dive into the unknown, an ultimate form of interdisciplinarity through languages, materials, aesthetics and ethics of two very different but incredibly creative disciplines. We believe that this interaction will give rise to a higher level of creativity and generate visibility and dialogue with stakeholders and the general public.”
    Sofie Bekaert
    Sofie Bekaert
    Manager translational program, VIB-HQ

    Studiotopia is cofinanced by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.